Thursday 8 December 2011


WarXing (Pronounced "Work-sing"), NetStumbling or WILDing [1] is the action of audition about attainable computer systems or (wireless) networks. The 'X' may be replaced by a added specific action to accord the afterward terms:

Warcarting — Wardriving, but instead of a car, a arcade barrow [2]

Warchalking — the name for appearance the breadth of a Wi-Fi wireless arrangement with a book mark on the sidewalk.

Warcycling — audition Wi-Fi wireless networks by cycling about with a Wi-Fi able accessory on a bicycle

War dialing — audition computer systems affiliated to the blast arrangement by dialing every cardinal in an breadth code

Wardriving — audition Wi-Fi wireless networks by alive about with a Wi-Fi-equipped device, such as a laptop or a PDA, in one's vehicle.

Warflying — application an aircraft and a Wi-Fi-equipped device, such as a laptop or a PDA, to ascertain Wi-Fi wireless networks.

Warrunning; audition Wi-Fi wireless networks by alive with a Wi-Fi able device.

Warspying — audition and examination wireless video. Usually done by alive about with an x10 receiver. Similar to "Wardriving" alone with wireless video instead of wireless networks.

Wartoothing — The aforementioned abstraction as warwalking, except application bluetooth devices.

Wartransit — aforementioned as wardriving, except done aboard a bounded alteration bus, subway, or driver train.

Wartrawling — audition Wi-Fi wireless networks at sea with a Wi-Fi-equipped accessory in the around of argosy accepting via accessory and broadcasting Wi-Fi for their onboard network. Coined by FTC/SS Donald A. Davis, USN, aloft accomplishing of the aboriginal Wi-Fi networks on US Submarines.

Warwalking — analytic for Wi-Fi wireless networks by a being walking, application a Wi-Fi-equipped device, such as a laptop or a PDA.

These agreement originated from wardialing, a address affected by a appearance played by Matthew Broderick in the blur WarGames, and called afterwards that film. Wardialing in this ambience refers to the convenance of application a computer to punch abounding buzz numbers in the hopes of award an alive modem.

While it doesn't accommodate to the "WarXing" pattern, bluedriving (wardriving adjoin Bluetooth networks) has additionally been apparent as a accompanying word

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